Mit zweierlei Maß: Straßenkleber vs. Hallig-Fähre

Leserpost von Dipl. Ing. Martin Krohn:

Betreff: Klima-Aktivistin zu Haftstrafe auf Bewährung verurteilt

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

einige Anmerkungen zum Blog vom 06. 01. 24. In einem Artikel wird berichtet, dass die Klima-Aktivistin Carla Hinrichs zu einer Haftstrafe auf Bewährung verurteilt worden ist. Gestern wurde in den Nachrichten darüber berichtet, dass Robert Habeck durch protestierende Landwirte am verlassen einer Fähre gehindert wurde. Darüber wurde parteiübergreifend heftige Kritik geäußert. Sicherlich war das vorgehen der Landwirte etwas zu drastisch, doch ich würde mir ähnliche Kritik über die „Straßenkleber“ wünschen. Auch hier werden die Menschen genötigt.

Als weiterer Punkt wurde berichtet, dass Carla Hinrichs ihre Handlung als eine Art Religion versteht. Selbstverständlich gibt es in Deutschland die Religionsfreiheit. Doch diese erlaubt nicht, andere Menschen zu behindern. Es darf auch niemand Menschen am Sonntag von der Arbeit abhalten (z. B. in Krankenhäusern), weil derjenige der Meinung ist, am Sonntag dürfe nicht gearbeitet werden.

Die Idee, den Klimaalarm als Religion einzustufen ist hingegen sehr verlockend. Damit können die Aktivisten mit „Klimawissenschaftlern“ gerne in Tagungsräumen diskutieren. Die Politik muss sich dann jedoch aus dem Klimathema heraushalten, denn wir haben auch eine Trennung zwischen Religion und Politik.

Viele Grüße
Dipl. Ing. Martin Krohn


Julia Ley auf BR24:

#Faktenfuchs: Nein, Vulkane sind nicht schuld am Klimawandel

Im Netz behaupten User, dass ein einziger Vulkan-Ausbruch mehr CO2 freisetze als die ganze Menschheit zusammen. Das ist falsch. Und: Am CO2-Ausstoß von Vulkanen hat sich in Tausenden von Jahren nichts geändert – an dem der Menschheit schon.

Weiterlesen auf BR24


Bob Yirka ,

Study suggests rise in global photosynthesis rate due to increase in carbon dioxide has slowed

A team of Earth scientists at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science’s Grassland Research Institute, working with colleagues from several institutions in the U.S., has found evidence that the rise in photosynthesis rates around the world caused by the increase of carbon dioxide, has slowed dramatically. In their research, reported in the journal Science, the group measured changes in global photosynthesis rates over the past several decades.

During photosynthesis, plants convert CO2 and water into carbohydrates and release oxygen, therefore they are considered to be carbon sinks. Prior research has shown that as levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rose over the past century, plants have taken advantage of the increase in the gas by speeding up photosynthesis and have been taking more carbon out of the atmosphere.

The net effect has been a brake on global warming. In this new effort, the research team found evidence that rising atmospheric CO2 has slowed the rate of increase in global photosynthesis because the atmosphere has also grown drier.



Gao et al. 2023:

Solar forcing and ENSO regulated rates of change of ecosystems in Northeast China since the last deglaciation

Understanding long-term (centennial- to millennial-scale) ecosystem transformation and dynamics is a key factor in the prediction of ecosystems under ongoing climate change. However, the magnitude and patterns of vegetation change on this timescale are poorly understood. The rates and patterns of vegetation change and their driving mechanisms in Northeast China were studied, using a compilation of 33 fossil pollen and phytolith sequences from this region. Rates of change (ROC) of vegetation in Northeast China increased continuously during the last deglaciation, decreased during the early Holocene, reaching their lowest level during the middle Holocene, and increased again in the late Holocene. ROCs were different for forest and grassland during specific intervals, and vegetation stability varied from north to south and from west to east. Attribution analysis showed that climatic factors have been the dominant drivers of vegetation change since the last deglaciation. Natural fires were also important, particularly during the last deglaciation through the middle Holocene; human activities became increasingly important from the middle through late Holocene. ROC of forest vegetation exhibited ~1500-yr and ~ 350-yr periodicities; solar activity was likely the driving mechanism. Grassland ROC showed ~500-yr and ~ 270-yr periodicities, perhaps reflecting ENSO regulation of East Asian summer monsoon intensity.


Kennen Sie schon den Film Nuclear Now? Beschreibungstext des Trailers auf Yotube:

NUCLEAR NOW takes viewers on a mind-opening journey with legendary director Oliver Stone as he reveals the true history of nuclear energy and its potential to solve climate change. The looming climate crisis remains unresolved, and the volume of carbon-free electricity needed over the next 30 years is almost unimaginable. This film aims to remove the fears associated with nuclear energy and highlight the sustainability and affordability it can bring in the pursuit of restoring the world’s ecosystems and economies. 


Neues Paper von Nicola Scafetta im Fachmagazin Geoscience Frontiers:

Impacts and risks of “realistic” global warming projections for the 21st century


  • The IPCC AR6 assessment of likely impacts and risks by 21st-century climate changes is highly uncertain.
  • Most climate models, however, run too hot, and the SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios are unlikely.
  • New climate change projections for the 21st century were generated using best-performing climate models,
  • Empirical climate modeling of natural cycles, and calibration on lower troposphere temperature data.
  • Net-zero emission policies are not necessary because SSP2-4.5 is sufficient to limit climate change hazards to manageable levels.


The IPCC AR6 assessment of the impacts and risks associated with projected climate changes for the 21st century is both alarming and ambiguous. According to computer projections, global surface temperature may warm from 1.3 °C to 8.0 °C by 2100, depending on the global climate model (GCM) and the shared socioeconomic pathway (SSP) scenario used for the simulations. Actual climate-change hazards are estimated to be high and very high if the global surface temperature rises, respectively, more than 2.0 °C and 3.0 °C above pre-industrial levels. Recent studies, however, showed that a substantial number of CMIP6 GCMs run “too hot” because they appear to be too sensitive to radiative forcing, and that the high/extreme emission scenarios SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5 are to be rejected because judged to be unlikely and highly unlikely, respectively. Yet, the IPCC AR6 mostly focused on such alarmistic scenarios for risk assessments. This paper examines the impacts and risks of “realistic” climate change projections for the 21st century generated by assessing the theoretical models and integrating them with the existing empirical knowledge on global warming and the various natural cycles of climate change that have been recorded by a variety of scientists and historians. This is achieved by combining the SSP2-4.5 scenario (which is the most likely SSP according to the current policies reported by the International Energy Agency) and empirically optimized climate modeling. According to recent research, the GCM macro-ensemble that best hindcast the global surface warming observed from 1980 to 1990 to 2012–2022 should be made up of models that are characterized by a low equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) (1.5 °C < ECS ≤ 3.0 °C), in contrast to the IPCC AR6 likely and very likely ECS ranges at 2.5–4.0 °C and 2.0–5.0 °C, respectively. I show that the low-ECS macro-GCM with the SSP2-4.5 scenario projects a global surface temperature warming of 1.68–3.09 °C by 2080–2100 instead of 1.98–3.82 °C obtained with the GCMs with ECS in the 2.5–4.0 °C range. However, if the global surface temperature records are affected by significant non-climatic warm biases — as suggested by satellite-based lower troposphere temperature records and current studies on urban heat island effects — the same climate simulations should be scaled down by about 30%, resulting in a warming of about 1.18–2.16 °C by 2080–2100. Furthermore, similar moderate warming estimates (1.15–2.52 °C) are also projected by alternative empirically derived models that aim to recreate the decadal-to-millennial natural climatic oscillations, which the GCMs do not reproduce. The proposed methodologies aim to simulate hypothetical models supposed to optimally hindcast the actual available data. The obtained climate projections show that the expected global surface warming for the 21st-century will likely be mild, that is, no more than 2.5–3.0 °C and, on average, likely below the 2.0 °C threshold. This should allow for the mitigation and management of the most dangerous climate-change related hazards through appropriate low-cost adaptation policies. In conclusion, enforcing expensive decarbonization and net-zero emission scenarios, such as SSP1-2.6, is not required because the Paris Agreement temperature target of keeping global warming < 2 °C throughout the 21st century should be compatible also with moderate and pragmatic shared socioeconomic pathways such as the SSP2-4.5.
